30 November 2006

P. R. O.

Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle
Mt 4:18-22

In every organization, a Public Relations Officer (P. R. O.) acts as a middleman. He links people with one another. Today we celebrate the feast of the P. R. O. of the Twelve Apostles. His name is Andrew, brother of Simon Peter, from Bethsaida, Galilee.

Among the Twelve, Andrew is always mentioned to be bringing someone to Jesus. He links people to Jesus. He seems to enjoy introducing others to Jesus.

In Jn 1:41-42, Andrew introduces Simon, his brother, to Jesus. In Jn 6:8-9, he brings to Jesus the boy who is the source of the five barley loaves and two small fish of the miraculous multiplication. In Jn 12:20-22, he arranges a meeting between some Greeks and Jesus, after Philip informed him about the request. This last incident is quite important because it seems to imply that even the apostles recognize Andrew as the P. R. O. of their group.

As we celebrate the feast of the P. R. O. of the Twelve Apostles, let us offer grateful prayers to God for the people who led and continue to lead us closer to Jesus. Let us not forget to also offer contrite prayers to God for the people we led and continue to lead away from Jesus. Having prayed thus, let us strive to lead more souls to Jesus. Let us be Jesus’ P. R. O.


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