
01 January 2006


Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Lk 2:16-21

A woman becomes a mother only when she gives birth to her child. As a baby is born, so is a mother born too. Thus, the birthday of the one who is delivered is likewise the birthday of the one who delivered. On the day her child is born, a woman celebrates two birthdays: her child’s and her motherhood.

As the Christmas octave ends, our thoughts turn to the other celebrant of the season: Mary, the Mother of Jesus. When Jesus was born, Mary became a mother. Her motherhood was born as she delivered into the world her Holy Child. On Christmas Day, we worshipped the newborn King. Today, we venerate His mother.

Mary’s motherhood is special. I suggest three reasons why.

Mary’s motherhood is special because it is a prophetic motherhood. Her motherhood is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy: “the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel” (Is 7:14).

Mary’s motherhood is special because it is a divine motherhood. Because Jesus is God, Mary is the mother of God. Title “Mother of God” does not in any way mean that Jesus received His divinity from Mary, but that He who was born of Mary is both human and divine. It was Mary who received divine motherhood from Jesus, not Jesus who received divine sonship from Mary.

Mary’s motherhood is special because it is an ecclesial motherhood. She is the mother of the Church, the Body of Christ. Certainly, she who is the mother of the head is also the mother of the body. Jesus Christ is Head of His Body, the Church. Because we are the Church, the Body of Christ, Mary is our mother too. She who became the mother of the Redeemer in Bethlehem eventually became the mother of the redeemed on Calvary.

It is not New Year in the Church today. New Year in the Church is every first Sunday of Advent. But the Church rejoices with the world as another calendar year begins. As life begins in the womb so does the Church offer us the same womb where the historical life of the Eternal-Word-Made-Flesh began: Mary, the Mother of God.

We start the calendar year with a mother whose love will lead us through the year to Him who made her motherhood ever special: Jesus. Her prophetic motherhood is the fulfillment of God’s promise; through her powerful intercession, may God make all your good wishes come true. Her divine motherhood is an assertion of our faith in the divinity of her Son; through her loving care, may we persevere in the faith. Her ecclesial motherhood is her sharing in the redemptive mission of the Lord; through her shining example, may we evangelize the world in word and in deed.

May the Blessed Mother keep you in the folds of her mantle and in the crossing of her arms.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Jesus, as we start a new calendar year, we are so blessed that the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God who became also our Mother.

    Mama Mary, cover us with your mantle and lead us to your Son.

    God bless po...
