
31 December 2005


Saturday in the Octave of Christmas
Jn 1:1-18

Today, New Year’s Eve, I enjoin you to do three things before midnight strikes with a loud bang.

Be silent. It will be very noisy soon. Enjoy silence while you may. But more important than the absence of noise, let your silence be an abundance of love. Silence is not mere absence of words, but an overflowing of love. Silence is listening love. Be silent that you may hear God speaking to you.

Breathe. In a few hours or minutes from now, the air will be polluted like in no time of the year. Breathe while you can, while you may. When God created man, according to the book of Genesis, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Breathe God.

Speak. As the hours tick their way to midnight, the noise and air pollution will make it almost impossible for you to speak. Speak while you can. Speak with the calmness of the Spirit and the clarity of God’s word. Speak not only with words but also with the catching force of your good deeds.

Be silent; God has spoken His Word. Breathe; His Word is life. Speak; Proclaim His Word and be life-giving.

Be silent, breathe, and speak…your time starts now!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Father God, may we always find time to be silent to listen to your Words, to breathe that we will feel your presence in our hearts and speak to share to others the Good News.

    God bless po...
