
02 February 2011


Feast of the Lord’s Presentation

Lk 2:22-32

“Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace,” said Simeon. I truly admire him. Who can say with all sincerity, without an iota of hesitation, that he or she is ready to die? It is difficult to find such a person, is it not? We find one today in the gospel.

Simeon is a picture of a fulfilled man indeed. He desires for nothing more, waits for nothing more, and prays for nothing more. He is ready and willing to go from this life to the next. Why?

First, Simeon desires for nothing more because he already received what he desires most. His “eyes have seen the salvation which (God) has prepared for all nations to see, a light to enlighten the gentiles, and the glory of Israel”. Simeon desired for Jesus, the Savior, the Light, and the Glory he refers. Now that he has set his eyes on Him, he is complete.

Second, Simeon waits for nothing more because he trusted in God’s promise to him that he will not see death before he sets his eyes on the Savior, the Light, and the Glory God has ordained to send into the world. Now that that promised is fulfilled, what else should Simeon wait for? Jesus has arrived not only in the general sense of the word “arrive” but also in its particular meaning as Jesus comes into the life of Simeon.

Third, Simeon prays for nothing more because his prayer has already been granted. He has seen Jesus; he has seen peace. Now, he can go in peace as a servant of Him whose promised he has trusted.

What do we desire for? What do we wait for? What do we pray for? No one less than God can satisfy our desire. Nothing less than God’s fidelity to His word can bring about what we wait for. Nothing less than having the disposition of God’s servant can make us realize how God answers our prayers.

Simeon teaches us what it means to be a fulfilled person. A fulfilled person is one who pays attention to God. And only a truly fulfilled person is ready to leave this world so as to enter God’s kingdom.

May the light of the candles we bring to Mass today to be blest by the priest shed light upon our desire, our waiting, and our prayer. Jesus Christ alone, who is THE Light, can show us the truth about “the fulfilled person”.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Fulfilled people are usually manifested in the way they handle themselves, in their daily lives, with his family, relatives or the community where he belongs.

    Humility and generosity are the core values of a person who has a happy spirit, someone who is spiritually fulfilled who could in turn be an inspiring light to others.

    Lord Jesus, we thank You for You are the Lamp of our lives, illumine our path so as not to go astray and depart from You .

