
26 January 2009


Memorial of Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops
Lk 10:1-9

Son of a pagan father and a Hebrew-Christian mother, Timothy was a disciple of Paul. Paul himself consecrated him bishop of Ephesus. The account we have about Timothy’s martyrdom dates back from the fourth century. Opposing the observance of a pagan feast, Timothy was beaten to death by a mob.

Titus was also a disciple of Paul. Likewise, Paul himself ordained him bishop of Crete.

The importance of these two bishops in the history of early Christianity is clearly shown by the fact that Paul wrote three letters to them: two to Timothy and one to Titus. These three letters are called “pastoral epistles” because they give glimpses of the future structure of the Church.
In the gospel today, Jesus chose and appointed seventy-two others and sent them, in pairs, to do the work of the Kingdom. Clearly, while the Apostolic College was an exclusive group, Jesus did not give the Twelve the exclusive mandate to evangelize humanity. Establishing God’s Kingdom on earth is too great a mission that twelve men are never equal to the task. Paul knew this truth very well; thus, he had Timothy and Titus not only as disciples but also as companions in his missionary endeavors.

As we celebrate today the blessed memory of these two collaborators of Paul the Apostle, let us remember our co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard. Remembering them means the following. First, appreciate them: let us say thank you to them. Second, affirm them: let us acknowledge them as co-workers, equal in dignity, sharers in the common mandate of preaching the Gospel through words and deeds. Third, care for them: let us make their concerns our concerns too. Fourth, bless them: let us pray for them always. Fifth, renew them: let us create more opportunities and activities that deepen our bonding with them; but where relationships are strained, let us strive for reconciliation.

May Paul, Timothy, and Titus teach us what team ministry is all about as we go about the ministry entrusted to us by the Lord. May the blessed memory of their collaboration with one another permeate our own efforts to work together for God’s Kingdom.
Once, our present Holy Father, Benedict XVI, described himself, “I am but your humble co-worker in the Lord’s Vineyard.” Indeed, he is. And how about us? We are but his humble co-workers in the Lord’s Vineyard too. We are humble co-workers of one another in the same vineyard.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    This reflection reminded me of how my relationship should be, not only to co-workers but also to those who work for us.Thank you for the nourishment, it makes me a better person. God bless.
