
25 December 2006


Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity
Jn 1:1-18

I find it funny that when people want to know who we are, they often ask us, “Where are you from?” Duh?!? I do not get it. Where is the connection between where we come from and who we are? Does the land we come from give the first clue of our hidden identity? Well, perhaps people need to register us in a place and in time before they can really grow to know us and accept us.

It seems the same is true of God. Today, He registers Himself in a place and in time so that we can grow to know Him and love Him. His place? Bethlehem, Israel. His time? When a census of the whole world was made during the reign of Caesar Augustus, when Quirinius was governor of Syria.

The Word became flesh. To be flesh is always to be somewhere, never nowhere. To be flesh is always to exist some time, never no time. “Never Never Land” is nowhere land, but Bethlehem is an actual land. “Once upon a time” is fairytale time, but “the reign of Augustus” is real time. Because of Christmas, the Word-Made-Flesh can be located in space and time. Christmas is the Word made flesh within natural boundaries of every human life-story. Today, Jesus registers Himself in place and time: Verbo caro factum est et habitavit in nobis (“The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us”). Jesus pitched His tent among us. God has a new address: here with us! Jesus is our neighbor. He is Emmanuel. Jesus is one of us!

Let us not allow Christmas Day pass without us visiting Bethlehem. Let us spend some moments in prayerful silence before the Nativity tableau. When we bend to reverently kiss Baby Jesus, may we hear Him whisper to us: "Behold, I came to share in your humanity so that you may come to share in my divinity."


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Merry Christmas to all!

    I would like to greet Msgr. Salvador Jose who is celebrating today his 44th anniversary as a priest. I thank God for sending you to us, our true shepherd & a servant of God

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Father God, thank you for sending to us your Son Jesus, born in a manger though he is a King. Bless us that in we will always feel his presence this Christmas and be able to share to Him the love in our hearts.

    God bless po.
