
20 August 2006


20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jn 6:51-58

Today we say, in response to the Psalm, “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” We can see goodness. But can we taste it? We see goodness in a word, in a gesture, and in a thought. But can we taste goodness in a word, in a gesture or in a thought? We see the goodness of a person. But do we taste his goodness? Is it not more correct to say we feel the goodness of a word, of a gesture, and of a thought? And we do experience the goodness of a fellow human being.

In the Lord, however, goodness can both be seen and felt. We see the goodness of the Lord in His unconditional love for us. We also taste the goodness of the Lord because He became food for us in the Holy Eucharist.

“I am the Living Bread…,” so says the Lord in the Gospel. He is not only the Light of the world, not only the Vine, and more than just the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is also food for everlasting life. He Himself is our Life.

Because food achieves its purpose only when it is eaten, the Lord must be consumed. Thus, when given a choice between the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, celebrate the Mass. When ask if we want a Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament or a reception of Holy Communion, receive Holy Communion. Jesus wants to be consumed more than stared at. He meant Himself to be food for the life of the world.

As I write this reflection, there is an issue in the Shrine I am presently assigned to. The issue concerns the re-opening of the Adoration Chapel. The chapel was closed for renovation for sometime now, but the renovation has not started yet. Why should it begin when the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel is often left unattended, without adorer to keep watch and pray? Our Perpetual Eucharistic Adorers (PEA) do not seem to understand what “perpetual” means. Why should the Adoration Chapel be re-opened when the Shrine is opened from 6:00 AM through 10:00 PM anyway? The same Jesus who once waited for visitors inside the Adoration Chapel is the same Jesus who continues to wait inside the Shrine. Jesus exposed in a monstrance is the same Jesus hidden in the tabernacle. Why expose Jesus in the Adoration Chapel when there is not a single soul exposed to the Lord inside the same chapel? I can only smile as the debates continue. We must have forgotten that Jesus wishes to be consumed more than to be stared at. So sad, often there is also no one in the chapel to stare back at Him.

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Remember to taste, not only to see. His goodness taste always better than seeing His goodness.

Jesus always tastes good. Consume Him!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Lord Jesus, may we long for you as we consume you and we pray that you will fill us with body, physically and spiritually.

    God bless po...
