
14 June 2006


Wednesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time
Mt 5:17-19

Today, let us be sorry for leading others away from God. Let us ask for forgiveness for causing others to sin. Let us repair the harm we have done them by leading them back to God and helping them obey His commandments.

Just as we lead others away from God by our words and actions, so too we must lead them back to God by our words and actions. We must be models for them to follow. Let us be examples of genuine Christian living. We lead others back to God by leading the way to Him. We lead the way to God by obeying what God commands us to do.

Our prayers will bring others closer to God but our lives can also bring others far from Him if our prayers do not mold us unto the likeness of His obedient Son, Jesus. It is never enough to pray and live our lives in whatever way we want. We must pray and live our lives in the way of Christ Jesus.

We must always be conscious that we do not lead others to sin. But let us be conscientious in leading others to God, too. We should always be vigilant never to give anyone any reason to disobey God. But we also must strive to show others the reason for loving Him.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Fr. bob, i have been reading your reflections for quite some time now and in every one of them i learn a valuable lesson. This one struck me for at times i am unconscious of my words and actions and how it affects other people much worst lead them to sin. i hope and pray that i would absorb all that i learned from your wisdom and live the way of god and not my own.

    An avid reader
