Monday in the Octave of Easter
Mt 28:8-15
There are three outpourings in the readings today.
In the First Reading, Peter, the leader of the Twelve, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, stood up and addressed the crowd. He boldly proclaimed that Jesus, whom the people put to death, had truly risen. His newfound courage to give witness to Jesus and the wonderful things that the people of Jerusalem had witnessed that day done to the followers of Jesus were attributed by Peter to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit made the disciples of Jesus proclaim the truth with courage.
In the Gospel, we read the other two outpourings. First, there was an outpouring of joy from the hearts of the women who went to the tomb and met the risen Lord. Immediately, they went to the disciples to share with them the joyful news. Second, there was an outpouring of money from the coffers of the chief priests. Told by the soldiers about what had happened and how Jesus rose from the dead, the chief priests consulted the elders and handed a considerable amount of money to the soldiers to tell a lie. They were to say that the disciples of Jesus came during the night and stole His body.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit proclaimed the truth. The outpouring of joy brought greater joy. The outpouring of money circulated a lie. Because the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the apostles, they became courageous. Because their hearts were outpouring with joy, the women became the first Easter missionaries. But the soldiers circulated a lie about Jesus’ resurrection because money had been outpoured from the chief priests’ treasury.
What are the outpourings in your life? What have they led you to? Do they proclaim the truth or circulate a lie? Have you become a courageous disciple or a lying soldier?
Mt 28:8-15
There are three outpourings in the readings today.
In the First Reading, Peter, the leader of the Twelve, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, stood up and addressed the crowd. He boldly proclaimed that Jesus, whom the people put to death, had truly risen. His newfound courage to give witness to Jesus and the wonderful things that the people of Jerusalem had witnessed that day done to the followers of Jesus were attributed by Peter to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit made the disciples of Jesus proclaim the truth with courage.
In the Gospel, we read the other two outpourings. First, there was an outpouring of joy from the hearts of the women who went to the tomb and met the risen Lord. Immediately, they went to the disciples to share with them the joyful news. Second, there was an outpouring of money from the coffers of the chief priests. Told by the soldiers about what had happened and how Jesus rose from the dead, the chief priests consulted the elders and handed a considerable amount of money to the soldiers to tell a lie. They were to say that the disciples of Jesus came during the night and stole His body.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit proclaimed the truth. The outpouring of joy brought greater joy. The outpouring of money circulated a lie. Because the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the apostles, they became courageous. Because their hearts were outpouring with joy, the women became the first Easter missionaries. But the soldiers circulated a lie about Jesus’ resurrection because money had been outpoured from the chief priests’ treasury.
What are the outpourings in your life? What have they led you to? Do they proclaim the truth or circulate a lie? Have you become a courageous disciple or a lying soldier?
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