
04 April 2006


Tuesday in the 5th Week of Lent
John 8: 21-30

The Father did not leave Jesus and yet trials did not leave Him, too. The Father did not abandon Jesus and yet His persecutors did not abandon Him, too. The Father did not depart from Jesus and yet temptations did not depart from Him, too.

Closeness to the Father does not in anyway mean separation from trials in this life. Being on the side of the Father can oftentimes be a reason for our persecutions. Intimacy with the Father does not mean unfamiliarity with temptations.

Are you experiencing trials, persecutions and temptations in your life? It can be because you are close and intimate with the Father. The more you are on His side, the more you may be persecuted and the more persecutors you may have. Rejoice and be glad because you are in the image of His Son, Jesus.

Because Jesus did not leave the Father despite all the trials He had, He endured everything, including death, death on a cross. Because Jesus did not abandon the Father despite the persecutions He suffered, He found grace even in His cross. Because Jesus did not depart from the Father despite the temptations He experienced, He triumphed until the end.

If we remain with the Father, we shall also endure with Jesus. If we stay on His side, Jesus remains with us. If we are intimate with the Father, we shall conquer everything with Jesus the Christ.

Ask not why you have trials. Complain not why you are persecuted. Wonder not why you are tempted. You are a child of God.

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