
20 April 2006


Thursday in the Octave of Easter
Lk 24:35-48

Imagine this. You had a friend who loved you more than anything. Just when he needed you most, you betrayed him, denied him, and deserted him. He died. You did not have the chance to explain to him why you betrayed him, denied him, and deserted him. He was buried and with him was buried not only the wounds that caused him his death but also the betrayal, the denial, and the desertion you stabbed him with. One evening he suddenly appears to you. Would you not shudder in fear?

Jesus tells you, “Peace be with you.”

Imagine this. There you are standing before the friend you betrayed, denied, and deserted. There is no sight of decomposition in his body. There is not stench. His body is luminous. His voice rings a different tune. Would you not think his ghost is haunting you?

Jesus invites you, “Look at my hands and feet; yes, it is I indeed. Touch me and see for yourselves, a ghost has no flesh and bones as you can see I have.”

Imagine this. You are shocked. What you see and what you hear are totally unexpected, illogical, and out-of-this-world. You have many things going on inside your mind. If not fearful, perhaps you are overjoyed. You may want to say something but you cannot speak. You are dumbfounded. Would you not simply faint?

Jesus asks you, “Have you anything here to eat?”

Peace that tells forgiveness, invitation that leads to faith anew, and a question that evokes action to move on – do not imagine these. They are real proposals from the friend we all have transgressed. Tell this to the rest of our brethren who still seem to be haunted by their past sins.

Stop imagining. The risen Lord is real!

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