
27 March 2006


Monday in the 4th Week of Lent
Jn 4:43-54

Jesus comes to heal us. His whole mission may be summarized as a mission of integral healing. He heals both our bodies and souls.

Through offering His life on the cross, Jesus heals us from our broken relationship with the Father. Through His public ministry, Jesus heals people from their broken bodies. Through the Holy Eucharist, the broken body of Jesus heals us and makes us whole again.

Because all of us are broken in either body or soul, we all need the healing that Jesus brings. Because our bodies and souls are broken every so often, we need not only healing; we need the Healer Himself – Jesus. Let us pray not for healing; let us ask for the Healer Himself. Why be contented with healing when we can have the Healer Himself?

Jesus is the Healer Himself. Jesus is in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is the Holy Eucharist Himself. The Holy Eucharist, therefore, is THE source and summit of healing. It is the Healer Himself.

Let us receive the Holy Eucharist worthily so that we may be truly healed from our spiritual and physical brokenness. When we receive the Holy Eucharist in the state of mortal sin, we receive Jesus unworthily. St. Paul says that when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus unworthily, we bring judgment upon ourselves (cf. I Corinthians 11: 29).

The Holy Eucharist is not magic. Rather, the Holy Eucharist is grace. It is not magic that heals us; it is grace. Receive the grace worthily; receive healing fully.

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