
20 January 2006


Friday in the 2nd Week of the Ordinary Time
Mk 3:13-19

We can help someone with a difficult task by two ways. We can either do the task for him or do the task with him. Doing the task for him simply accomplishes the task. But doing the task with him develops our relationship with him.

When Jesus chose twelve men to be His apostles, He did not want them to do the work of the Kingdom for Him. He wanted them to do the work of the Kingdom with Him. He did not pass on to them the work of the Kingdom; He shared it with them. Thus, becoming His apostles was both a privilege and a mission for those twelve men.

Jesus continues sharing with us the work of the Kingdom. He does not want us to work for Him. He wants us to work with Him instead. Working with Jesus necessarily entails working with all those He chose to share the work of the Kingdom with.

Evangelization is not working for Jesus. It is working with Jesus without whom all efforts in spreading the Gospel are bound to fail. Moreover, evangelization is not working with Jesus alone, but working with everyone who works with Jesus. Evangelization is not substitution for Jesus and neither is it isolation.

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