
18 December 2005


4th Sunday of Advent
Lk 1:26-38

King David wanted to build Yahweh a worthy dwelling place, a temple for the Ark of the Covenant. But he, who desired to give God a precious house, received the promise of a glorious household from God instead. Through the Prophet Nathan, God reminded David of his humble past and foretold the magnificent future of his posterity. God’s favor would remain upon the house of David and from his loins would come forth the glorious King whom God Himself would love as a father loves his son.

The Gospel today brought into a grand fulfillment this promise God made to David. From David’s lineage came the very Son of God, Jesus Christ. The Promised One took residence not in a house made by human hands but in a dwelling made of human flesh. The Son of God was conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Preserved from every stain of sin, even from the moment of her conception, she was the most worthy house of God.

Mary was God’s choice. But the choice remained Mary’s. Predestined to be the mother of God’s Son, she nonetheless had to give her consent to God.

Tao po!” – this is what Filipinos say while knocking on a door, seeking entrance into a house. “Tao po!” – this is the beautiful picture of the Annunciation. God knocked on the heart of Mary so that He might enter her womb to make it His home for nine months. With all respect and without any forcing Himself on Mary, God requested Mary to let Him in. God respected Mary’s freedom; and Mary used her freedom for God. “Tuloy po kayo” (“Welcome. Please come in”), Mary said. God entered. The Word was made flesh. The Virgin’s womb delivered the Son of God. And indeed, the Son of God was tao po (“a human being”)!

This is what Christmas is all about: it is not us making a house for God made of precious materials, but allowing God to make our hearts His home. God has no fancy for golden temples. He desires to dwell in temples made of flesh. We are His temples. His address is our hearts.

Without forcing Himself on us, but with deep respect for our freedom, God carefully knocks on our hearts and requests that we take Him in. We may be His choices, but the choice is always ours.

Let us give God a home. Let us give Him our hearts. May we never tell Him what He was told on that first Christmas night: “Sorry, there is no room at the inn.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Jesus, may we hear your knock in our hearts, may it always be flesh, not as hard as a stone, because of life trials and difficulties and then we will welcome you, just like the Blessed Mother did ...

    God bless po!
