
05 November 2005


5 November 2005
Saturday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Lk 16:9-15

Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is! It is not money that creates evil. Love for it does.

It is not a sin to wish to become rich. But to become rich at all cost, even to the point of selling our souls to Satan, is evil.

The rich are not automatically excluded from the Kingdom of God. There are many well-to-do people and royalties who are included in the list of the Church’s canonized saints. Wealth does not say anything about the holiness of an individual. How he or she uses his wealth does.

We cannot serve both God and money. We serve God and use money instead. There is so much good we can do by using money for the greater glory of God. But there is so much evil we can create when we make money our god.

How do we use money? Or should we ask our selves instead, how does money use us?

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