
28 November 2005


Monday in the 1st Week of Advent
Mt 5:8-11

The word “Advent” came from the Latin words, “Ad venire”; meaning, “to come to”. It is a special time of grace for us to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord came two thousand years ago when He was born in Bethlehem. He will come again at the end of time. But between His birth and return, He comes to us through the Word and the Sacraments. Do we prepare ourselves to welcome the Lord each day? How do we prepare for it?

Because the favor he requested from the Lord was special and important to him, the centurion in the Gospel today must have prepared well for his meeting with the Lord. But despite his preparation, still he felt unworthy to welcome the Lord under his roof. He felt unworthy despite his great faith in the Lord. We may have greater faith than this pagan centurion had, but are we more prepared than he in welcoming the Lord?

The Lord wishes to come into our life as much as He wanted to enter into the house of this centurion. While faith is the key that unlocks the door to Jesus, faith is useless unless we put it into sincere practice. The centurion used his faith in Jesus; thus, though Jesus did not physically go into his house, the centurion got what he wanted: healing for his servant.

It is more than healing that is coming to us. It is the Healer Himself! Certainly, we should prepare well. Let faith lead us to prayer. Let faith move us to conversion from sin. Let faith hasten the coming of Jesus into our life. Let faith unlock the door of our hearts. Let faith bring us the Healer. Let faith make Advent indeed a special time of grace.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Lord Jesus, we're so busy preparing for Christmas, but are we prepared for your coming ? Gifts, food, money and a like is moving so abundantly, but is there really love from our hearts? Do you receive the gift from us as YOU being the celebrant? We want to send you a precious gift, our heart, do you like it ?

    God bless po !!!
