
24 November 2005


Thursday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time
Lk 21:20-28

There is something strange about the Gospel today. After painting for us things that can make us cow in fear, Jesus admonishes us to stand erect and hold our heads high. Practically, Jesus is telling us not to be frightened by the horror that the last things will certainly bring upon the world. We know that following His advice goes against human nature. When scared, we normally take the fetal posture; we cow in fear.

As we are in the last days of the present liturgical year, the readings of the entire week remind us of two things. First, all things will pass, except the sovereignty of Jesus. Second, we therefore should remain in Jesus until the end. Even when in fear, let us remain in the Lord. The Lord is stronger than our fears.

Let F-E-A-R mean:

F – freeing our selves from all inordinate attachments.

E – embracing Jesus with all our heart

A – accepting the rule of God in our life

R – reconciling with God, with others, and with the self

Let us stand erect and hold our heads high, for our salvation is at hand!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Lord Jesus, may we not fear when we hear your Words but be prepared to your coming.

    God bless po!
