
14 October 2005


Friday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time
Lk 12:1-7

I heard this joke first from our dear and good Bishop Ted Bacani. What is the difference between a man with hair and a man with no hair? Bishop Bacani quipped, “When God created men, He created them bald and perfect. Those who were not perfect, He covered them with hair.”

According to the joke, I am not perfect. But it is no joke that I am not perfect. It is the truth.

Today, Jesus assures us that God knows even the number of our hairs. Well, with some, He does not really have much difficulty. They have very few hairs left on their heads. But with some, He really has to be God to count every hair on their heads. I read somewhere that blonds have around 150,000 hairs, brunettes have about 125,000, and redheads, around 100,000. Wow! Even if I could count every strand of hair on anyone’s head, I think that I do not have the patience neither the interest counting them. What with every hair on the head of every person, living and dead! But I am not God.

I am not God. My patience runs out. My interest wanes. My ability is limited.

But the Father of Jesus will never fail us. His patience does not run out. His interest in us does not wane. His ability is unlimited and His power is infinite. Most of all, His love for us will never end. Let us put our trust in Him and Him alone.

Of course, we put our trust in God. But we must constantly make a conscious act of putting our trust in Him. Perhaps, we do in our minds. But where really are our hearts?

God accepts our minds. But He wants our hearts. This is something that the Pharisees perhaps forgot. They obey every minute detail of the law but their hearts were still far from God. In their rigid obedience to the dictates of the law without opening their hearts to God’s call to conversion, their hearts became bloated with self-righteousness which is the yeast that Jesus warns us about today.

Trust God, not our selves. Better yet, trust God more than we trust our selves. Rely on Him completely, not on our selves. He knows every hair on our head; so does He know everything in our hearts. And we may lose our hairs, but not our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Yes, we are not perfect after all.With our imperfections , we see God's perfection. Though we are not at all perfect ,God loves us , more than we love Him. His love never fails, it is our love for Him that fails. Yet , there is still hope and as the saying goes,"hope is the music of our soul". Good pm and God bless you.
