
05 October 2005


Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, Deacon and Religious

Gal 6:14-18

Francis of Assisi, whose blessed memory we celebrate today, is one saint who needs no introduction. He is one of the popular and well loved saints of all time. In life, he had friends who did not share his Catholic Faith. In death, he has devotees not only among Christians but also people from various religious persuasions. He personified detachment from worldly things, simplicity of life, humility of spirit, love of people and nature, and complete dedication to the cause of peace. Thus, he is the favorite saint of many, Christians and otherwise.

“…the marks on my body are those of Jesus,” says the letter of St. Paul to the Galatians today. Privileged to bear the five wounds of Jesus in his body, Francis of Assisi can very well claim these words. His love for Jesus Crucified was so intense that Francis was eventually given a visible share in the sufferings of the Lord. Having stripped himself of all things, Francis became empty for God. And God filled him up to the brim and made him very much like Jesus not only in spirit but even in body as he received the stigmata.

Like Francis, we are disciples of Jesus. We, too, should have on our bodies the marks of Jesus. Perhaps, we are not as privileged as Francis to have the stigmata on our bodies; but the marks of Jesus are more than just the marks of His wounds. Unconditional love and obedience to God, sincere love for others, respect for the dignity of every individual and of the whole creation, simplicity of life, humble endurance, and desire for true and lasting peace are also marks of Jesus. Are these marks found in our lives as well?

The ultimate joy of any disciple is to become like his master. When we remember Francis of Assisi, we imagine a smiling saint. He is never pictured as a melancholic, long-faced, holy man. He is always remembered as a person dressed in a poor man’s clothing of his time, singing praises to God in harmony with nature, talking to birds, fish, and even beasts, or deeply absorbed in prayer. He radiates peace. There is only one reason for this. All through his life, Francis strove to imitate his Master even to the minutest detail of his Master’s life. He has achieved the ultimate joy of a disciple because he became like his Master, Jesus.

With the help of God’s grace, let us always strive to become like Jesus. Let the marks on our bodies be the marks of Jesus, our Master. All other marks are blemishes, stains, and dirt. Bear the marks of Jesus; bear the marks of true joy.

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