
24 September 2005


Saturday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time

Lk 9:43-45

Are you afraid of death? No matter how it comes, no matter when it comes, are you afraid of death?

The disciples did not understand exactly what Jesus meant with “The Son of Man is going to be handed over into the power of men”, but they certainly smelled blood in those words put together. Thus, as the Gospel today says, the disciples were afraid to ask Him about what He had just said. Who would not be?

The Gospel begins with a happy note: “…everyone was full of admiration for all He did….” But gradually the tune turns from joyful to sorrowful, even fearful. Jesus seemed to have dashed cold water on His disciples who were excited about His popularity.

Though they did not understand what Jesus told them, not one of them dared ask Jesus for an explanation. The Gospel simply described their silence as fear.

What were the disciples afraid of death?

Because they could not yet see the death of Jesus in the light of His resurrection and without the gift of Pentecost, the disciples saw the death of Jesus as the end of their own glory. We can understand this better two days from now because the Gospel on Monday, which comes from the verses immediately following today’s Gospel, has the disciples arguing who among them is the greatest. What?! The Lord is beginning to tell them about His impending death and His disciples are quarrelling about who among them is the greatest? What a shame! Why, are we any better?

When fear of death overwhelms us, let us ask why. And before the Lord, let us be honest with our answer. We have nothing to fear about being honest with our fears.

Be not afraid, the love of the Lord is stronger than death, stronger even than hell. This is something we know that the disciples knew not…or at least were afraid to know because it puts an end to all earthly glory.

But we do not glory in earthly things, do we? The disciples did not, for they eventually had to ask about their own death for the Lord and faced it without fear.

Once afraid, now no more. “O death, where is your sting?”

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