"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty'" (Jn 6:35). Jesus is our Bread. I am but His crumb. But if I may satisfy any hunger, please share this little crumb with others. Let no one go hungry. - Fr. Bob
22 September 2005
Thursday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time
Hg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9
Pardon me if I sound like an echo of the First Reading. The Prophet Haggai spoke thus the word of Yahweh, “The Lord of Host says this, ‘This people says: The time has not yet come to rebuild the Temple of the Lord. Is this a time for you to live in your paneled houses, when this House lies in ruins? So now, the Lord of hosts says this: Reflect carefully how things have gone for you. You have sown much and harvested little; you eat but never have enough, drink but never have your fill, put on clothes but do not feel warm. The wage earner gets his wages only to put them in a purse riddled with holes. Reflect carefully how things have gone for you. So go to the hill country, fetch wood, and rebuild the House. I shall then take pleasure in it, and be glorified there.’”
I echo the word of God through the Prophet Haggai so that we may remember taking care of the affairs of God even as we attend to our own needs.
When the Israelites returned from exile, life was immensely difficult. Thus, delaying the restoration of the Temple of Yahweh, they rebuilt their city first. The temporary delay, however, threatened to become a permanent neglect. And the more the people forgot building the House of Yahweh, the more they felt discontented even when as their lives have already been rebuilt. The Prophet Haggai rebuked the people: they have forgotten Yahweh.
While the Israelites, in the First Reading, forgot Yahweh, Herod, in the Gospel, could not forget Jesus. Jesus dogged Herod’s days. Jesus disturbed his sleep. Jesus invaded his dreams. Herod was anxious to see Jesus. But Herod could not forget Jesus because he was curious about Him. And, knowing the Passion narrative, Jesus did not satisfy Herod’s curiosity.
Whatever happens, let us not forget God. Let us never take Him for granted. Is it alright with us to have a house while God is homeless in our midst? Can we stand before Him face-to-face after neglecting Him and His affairs?
Whatever happens, however, let us not allow curiosity to be the reason for us to search for Jesus. Let it only be love for Him. The first time a king was anxious to see Him, the king did nothing to save Him from the bloodthirsty mob.
God certainly must always be in our minds. But He deserves more than our curiosity.
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