"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty'" (Jn 6:35). Jesus is our Bread. I am but His crumb. But if I may satisfy any hunger, please share this little crumb with others. Let no one go hungry. - Fr. Bob
26 July 2005
A LETTER TO INANG (Grandmother)
26 July 2005, Memorial of Sts. Joachim and Ann, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mt 13:16-17
Dear Inang,
Today we remember the parents of Sts. Joachim and Ann. They are the parents of Mama Mary. They are, therefore, the grandparents of Jesus. Because today is the feast of the grandparents of the Lord, I decided to write you this letter.
You are the lola I got closest to. I remember my childhood years with you. I recall your long white hair and the afternoons you would spend with us at home. That was many, many years ago, Inang.
I write just to thank you for giving me a mother such as my mom. You have trained her well how to love a son. Many times I wonder where mommy learned how to be a mother. She is the best at it! She is a true and loving mother to my three sisters and me. I suppose there are no schools for good motherhood, except good homes. And because you, Inang were the mother in the home mommy was born and grew up in, you deserve this much-belated letter of thanks from your apo. Thanks, Inang!
In my Mass today, I shall remember you most fondly. But I will not only pray for the eternal repose of your soul, as you have gone back to heaven years ago. Most importantly, I ask for your prayers for mommy. She has been a widow for seven years now, you know. I know she misses daddy, especially when we, their children, go through some trials in life and she is alone to accompany us through. Since dad left for heaven, mommy has gone through a lot of dark tunnels in life with us. But she remains strong like a formidable wall! I am not surprised because I came to know you, Inang, as a woman of sturdy character. You showed yourself to be a strong woman yourself, especially Tatang (grandpa) passed away in his fifties and you had to raise seventeen children all by yourself.
Please pray for my three sisters and me as well. May we be worthy of so loving a mother. May we always treasure your gift to us in the person of mommy. May we be worthy of an even more loving a mother named “Mary”, the daughter of Joachim and Ann. May we cherish and follow their Grandson, no less than Jesus, the Son of God.
I love you, Inang. See you in heaven someday.
Love and kisses,
Lord, I am sorry for the times that I became so hard-headed. Sorry , too that I care less about my parents, who were then old and sickly. I regret the times that I didn't give enough attention and love to our Tatay when he was still here with us. Forgive me , Lord, forgive me, Tatay , wherever you are. I love you,Tay........