
29 July 2005


Memorial of St. Martha

Lk 10:38-42

Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus. Theirs was a home frequented by the Lord. Theirs was a second home to Jesus. They were close friends of the Lord.

Have you seen a statue of St. Martha? In her statue, St. Martha steps on a dragon. A legend says that St. Martha is the patron saint against dragons. But did dragons really exist?

Today, there is a new dragon we need St. Martha for. It is the dragon that we become when we work for the Lord too much but listen to Him too little. We must never tire our selves in working for the Word of the Lord at the expense of listening to the Lord of the Word. St. Martha learned this lesson straight from the mouth of the Lord, from the Word Himself. Her concern for Jesus was appreciated but it was not the best part. The best part is listening to Him.

What we want to say about Jesus is important. But what Jesus wants to say to us matters more. The Lord values what we do for Him, but what He does to us is more valuable. Moreover, the Lord can do what He intends to accomplish in and through us when and only when we spend serious time listening to Him.

So-called “church people” who fail to heed this lesson eventually become like dragons. They may be quiet for a long moment even as they volunteer for church work, but they explode like volcanoes when given the chance. They may be meek and mild like the Sacred Heart even as they endure all the hardships consequent to apostolate and ministry, but they can become as ferocious and fiery dragons when requests are not granted. They are dangerous, ugly, and vicious. They are dangerous because they can be working for the Lord even at the expense of others, save themselves. They are ugly because quite often they end up with badmouthing in reciting a litany of complaints. They are vicious because they can be relentless in their anger, forever holding on to their grudges. Like dragons, they breathe out sulfur and fire. Keep out of their way, lest you burn as they can make your life and mine already like living hell.

Let us be very careful not to become like dragons. Let us not fail to attend to the presence of Lord even as we attend to the needs of the Lord. Let us keep our focus on Jesus, only Jesus, always Jesus. As we sit at the feet of Jesus, listening to His life-giving word, may we breathe in His Spirit so that we may breathe out not fire but love, only love, always love.

There was no dragon in the house of Martha. She crushed it to death with her feet as soon as the Lord showed her its tail.

Is there a dragon in your house?

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